Join us sundays at 10:50 am


Thank you for your interest in Winterville First Baptist Church's Preschool Program. We are excited about beginning registration for the upcoming school Year. Our goal is to provide the exceptional instruction and care that is vital for your child’s well-being in a Christian atmosphere. Our curriculum is learning-center based and is age appropriate. Each classroom has a low student/teacher ratio with two teachers. We believe that each child is uniquely different, each with a learning style of their very own. Each child needs security, a sense of accomplishment, and age appropriate boundaries. We strive to provide a happy Christian environment in which the child can grow physically, socially, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52

 You will find a Registration Application and Parent Agreement Form on the application link. Please fill out and return along with a NON-REFUNDABLE Registration Fee. We enroll students on a first-come and first serve basis. Thank you for your interest in the WFBC Preschool Program.

-Claire Bingham, Weekday Preschool Director


Preschool Application and Parent Agreement Form